The primary way to prevent child sexual abuse is by initiating and keeping all channels of communication open with your child. The most important point to recognise here is that most abusers of children are people the child trusts. The smart thing to do is to build a bullet proof relationship with your child in which she is completely secure in you and can defy anyone close and come to you for help. You must continually tell the child over and over again that you are there for them to the point they will never doubt your loyalty and fidelity to them.

When communicating with them you need to be calm and relaxed. You must never appear threatening. You need to teach them what is acceptable body touching and what is not, and what they should do in case they experience such scenarios. The idea here is to keep an open communication channel with your children

Most abusers have a tendency of making the child take an oath to secrecy of what he/she did. You need to teach your kids the difference between good and bad secrets.

You need to also take a keen interest of the clothes your child wears. You don’t want her to wear clothes that will send the wrong signals. Also if possible ensure that girls have their own rooms.

The most important thing while communicating to them is to let them know that if anything ever happened to them it is never their fault and you will always be on their side.

Tell them to report to you immediately when anyone

Gives them a lot of gifts and money

Touches them excessively

Says negative things about you or your spouse to the child 

Tells the child contradictory beliefs or statements to what you or your spouse tell or advice them