Acquaintance rape or date rape is the most common type of rape. This is because the victim knows the attacker.
The reason date rape cases are not documented especially among teenage girls is because when they do get raped they may define the whole experience as “consented sex” since accepting the reality that they were rape is more than they can handle. The victim will thus keep silent because of the confusion and guilt they will be feeling.
Anyone who has been raped in a dating situation tends to lose their self esteem and if they don’t go for counselling the effects are disastrous. The fact is the results of date rape are life changing but it does not have to destroy your life. Find someone you can talk to and learn more about how you can protect yourself
How do I protect myself in a dating situation?
First and foremost know exactly what your sexual intentions are before you even go out on the date. That way you will not give any mixed signals. So when he makes suggestive moves and you are not ready let your no be NO! This even applies to men with whom you have had sex with before. Always remember that no. is a complete sentence. You don’t have to give a reason why you are saying no.
When going out with someone you don’t know, bring a friend along. PAY for your own drinks lest you give him an impression that there will be payback later.
Most of the time men give you hints of exactly what it is they are after. So PAY ATTENTION. Do not hear what you want to hear; just listen to what he is saying. An example is if he speaks disrespectfully about women then it means he does not think your opinions have merit, constantly putting his hands on you basically being a brute even if he is smiling like a Cheshire cat, this is a sign.
Men look for visual cues such as a woman’s attire, speech, and body language. Unless you are sure of what you are doing do not caress him or flirt excessively
If you are raped dressed in a mini skirt and spaghetti top and you were drunk it is still not your fault that you got raped. Rape is a crime.
If a date involves alcohol exercise great restraint choose drinks with low alcohol content because you could be sitting with a predator
Always trust your instincts, if you think something is wrong it most probably is
Avoid men who don’t pay attention to you.
Before you leave the house always know how you are getting back home. As a woman always have taxi money ready for a quick exit.
Worst case scenario is usually if you really do like the guy. You love the intimate moments you have with him, you enjoy the kissing, petting etc but you are not ready to give it up.BE firm with your NO. The truth is you will break his heart/ego but you will save your soul from pain.
To find out how the law protects you from date rape click here