Depending on the situation one should try to apply the following defensive mechanisms:-
Be calm and do not try to make the attacker more nervous, the whole idea is to get him calm enough for you to be able to make an escape or prevent the rape.
Be attentive and try to master your surroundings while at the same time trying to negotiate with the attacker
Make sure that you note everything distinct about your attacker so that later you can be able to effectively describe him/her
If they try to get you into a car try as hard not to.
In the unfortunate event that the attacker overpowers and forces himself on you
Do not disturb the scene of assault or your clothes because the police will need to do some forensics work to gather evidence that will ensure the perpetrators get caught
Do not shower or change your clothing.
Call the police immediately and file a report. Tell them everything that happened no matter how intimate it was.
Remember everything you can about your assailant(s) the voice, face, cloths or any distinct marks on their bodies etc
Go to a hospital as soon as possible have them carry out a medical exam. During the exam they will take the semen smears, treat your bruises and scars and test you for sexual transmitted disease and put you on antiretroviral for a 72 hour period
After you have done a pelvic exam at the hospital you now need to get healing in your soul and you need to contact a rape crisis centre or counselling centre. Also important is to have some spiritual counselling within your religious background to ensure that you are firmly grounded.
To find out how the law interprets rape click here